Friday, November 20, 2009

The many faces of Johanna...

Thanksgiving Memories...

Thanksgiving has typically been one of my favorite holiday's over the years. There have been some really fun ones, and some that I can fortunately look back on and laugh. But it's typically a great evening to sit around with family...and just...relax and have fun. Oddly enough, this has been the one major holiday that I haven't made a big deal about not spending with my parents. But yet, it still seems like a holiday that one should spend with their family.

This year, I made the decision to spend Thanksgiving in DC. It just wasn't feasible to fly home for Thanksgiving, and then turn around a month later and go home for Christmas. At the time I made the decision, my roommate was also planning to stay in DC...but now...because of some family stuff, she's now planning to go home. It's totally the right thing to do for her. Just hard...because it now leaves me to, most likely, spend the day alone. I'll be ok. I know I will...but it won't be easy either.

The first Thanksgiving that I didn't spend with my parents was my senior year in college. My senior thesis class had the option to go to England, and I, of course, had to go. It was a great, tiring trip. The day before Thanksgiving, we went to Oxford, where we visited the college where they film the Harry Potter movies. Then we ate lunch at this Americanized pub. And all 4 of us promptly got food poisoning. So on Thanksgiving morning, me and another girl slept while the other 2 went sightseeing. Then we had tea at the Savoy with Margaret Drabble...which was cool. And then, when we got back to Victoria Station...we ate Thanksgiving dinner at Burger King. Fan. Tas. Tic. This goes down in history as the worst Thanksgiving ever. But I still can laugh about it. Now.

Last Thanksgiving was also a very good time. I spent the weekend with my brother and sister-in-law in NYC. I spent entirely too long staring out the front window laughing at the people rushing to the liquor store across the street. But it was very nice...we watched the parade...on tv...we cooked...we shopped for wine...we ate a ton of really good food...and my brother got a little drunk...which was also really funny. But it was a good weekend...although the meal that I really take away from that trip was the burgers we had the night I got into town. After the most awful bus ride ever, they took me directly to get dinner and drink beer. It was...amazing. And then we got sorbet. Pear sorbet. mouth waters at the mere idea :) Also funny right after I got off the bus, we were headed down to the subway and of the 3 of us...some guy stops ME for directions. I was so out of it because I had just gotten off a bus after 9 hours...I couldn't even speak. My brother promptly grabbed my arm and drug me down the steps and my sister in law stopped to give him directions. I do remember the guy saying that he didn't mean to scare me. And I heard her explain to him that I wasn't from there...and that I wasn't feeling well. Awesome.


Over the years...there have been a lot of great memories...more than just those that I've mentioned. But it's nice to look back at all of the holiday's and have those good memories.