Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I thought of something today

I've been living in DC now for almost 2 years exactly. The circumstances in which I moved to DC weren't the greatest. I was in a job that was going nowhere, and hanging out with people that created way too much drama, and way too much trouble.

When I moved to DC, life changed. I feel like I grew up, and really fit into living in the city. I abhorred driving, Country music, and bright colored clothing (anything lime green excluded, of course). I have fully been living the city life style, completely down to going to work far too early, working far too many hours, and fairly fast paced. Well...I have, for a long time, had a problem relaxing. I feel like if I'm not accomplishing something useful, I'm slacking, and therefore, a horrible person. It's a type A thing.

Not only have I been day-dreaming of opening up a B&B...baking and decorating...I've been visiting small towns. I grew up in a small town...and I think for the past couple of years, I've resisted anything and everything small town. Refusing to accept anything that wasn't from my city, and snubbing my nose at small town everyone knowing everyone...and local grocery stores...and commutes that last less than an hour.

As I was driving to my session this morning, I realized that upon moving to DC, things changed for me. And that's probably what I needed at that point in time. But I think I need to get back to my roots just a little bit. It's time. Due to a couple of song suggestions that I desperately needed for my Road Trip play list, I was re-introduced to Country music. And though it's not something that I'll ever listen all the time (then again...there isn't one type of music I listen to ALL the time) I have definitely remembered that I actually do like it.

I'm not saying that I'm ready to leave DC and move back to my home town. thank you. Been there, done that. I'm definitely not going to forget many of the things that I've grown to appreciate about living in the city. I really do like living there. I'm definitely not going to start drinking Bud Light. I do like really good beer.

But there must be a compromise somewhere. There has to be...right?

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