Friday, December 3, 2010

Nutrition, Slacking and IMAZ

Let's get IMAZ out of the way.

It's official. I've really gone 'round the bend now. I signed up for Ironman Arizona.

'Nuff said.



You all know I'm more loquacious than that.

The entire weekend before, I was nervous. Hands shaking, about ready to throw up, and I kept checking the website...making sure I had the right one. So at 2pm on that fateful Monday...I go to the site. be honest...I'd had it up on my computer all day. And at 2pm, the website kept telling me it was busy and to check back in a few minutes. And IT KEPT TELLING ME THAT!?!

About 20 minutes in, I got an email from Matt telling me he had made it in. I frantically write him an email saying I couldn't get the @%*$*@ website to let me in. He calmly emailed me another link. And of course it worked perfectly. It let me sign up. It let me sign up about 5 minutes before it closed.


What the $*^&$ have I done? Even now, nearly 2 weeks later...I'm still wondering that. What if I can't do the training. What if I get a brain tumor in the next couple of months and can't go on? (Hey...with the past year that I've had...anything is possible) (Plus I have a headache right now, and the brain tumor thing seems like a likely cause) (Or maybe it's just that I need to go to the eye Dr.) What if I get all the training in, and I still can't finish? Can I finally take a bit of a break after next November?

Then I started looking at everything else I need to buy before next November.

Now I *KNOW* I'm crazy.

And this is supposed to be for fun?

Oh boy.

And this is all constantly running through my head.

So there's that.


I guess the other 2 topics are mostly related. It's the holiday's. And I'm training for a marathon and a half. And it's the holiday's. And there's a ridiculous amount of disgusting (and when I say disgusting...I really mean really tasty, yet really bad for you) food all around. Fortunately, I'm genetically inferior, and can't eat most of it. But I'm hungry ALL THE TIME. And it won't stop. I am trying to do as good as I can...but it's incredibly difficult. And I'm nearly ready to throw my scale out the window. Maybe I should do that anyway. Or at least ignore it for the next few months.

I've calculated my workout percentage of scheduled vs. completed. In October (after I started keeping track) I did 80% of the scheduled workouts. Not bad. In November, this number has decreased to 67%. This has mainly decreased after Beach2Battleship. Not that I didn't deserve a bit of a break. I definitely feel it was warranted. I just seem to be having a difficult time getting back into the swing of things. On the weekends, I have still been getting my long workouts in. least the long runs. It's the weekday efforts that are getting lost in the shuffle of being exhausted, and unmotivated to work out in the morning, and jury duty, and holiday's. Weirdly, the one that I haven't missed at all is my strength training, which has previously been the thing I've most easily dropped. Maybe because I can do it at home while watching TV. Maybe because it's been requiring less effort. Maybe it's because I have finally seen the light when it comes to building muscle, and it's effects in other disciplines. Who knows? (Most likely, it's all 3 causes) Any way you look at it, I've been beating myself up about it. Probably not the most effective course of action. But that's where things stand.

I think the most frustrating thing going on right now is that I'm feeling lazy because I've been slacking...but because the long workouts (and my constant battle with food) I'm eating more than I feel like I'm burning off right now.

So I'm running 18 miles tomorrow. And getting things back on track.

I swear :)

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