Monday, September 26, 2011

Recovery Week

Recovery week is now over, and looking back, I wish I had taken more time to enjoy the break from strenuous, long workouts. I didn't do anything this past week.  At all.  Ok, so I worked.  And I walked to and from the bus stop for work.  But the only work outs I did (I think) were over the weekend.  I've had an odd couple of weeks with big ups and downs...and am hoping the next couple will be on a bit more of an even keel. 

Let's, for a moment, revisit one of the highs.  Yesterday was a 20 mile bike ride day.  To say the least, I was NOT looking forward to this ride.  I wanted to stay in bed, and sleep late, and drink coffee.  And the last thing I ever wanted to do, was get out on that gray, disgusting looking morning and ride my bike.  But I got I really didn't have much of a choice.  And on the way to Riley's Lock, especially as we were getting much closer, I started getting really nervous.  The pavement was really wet in some places due to recent rain, and there were some decent hills.  So, let's put this in perspective.  I hadn't ridden on hills that big in wet conditions since I wrecked 2 years ago.  Yes, I've been avoiding situations like that like the plague. 

So, we get there, get ready to go.  And as I'm trying to clean my sunglasses...they literally fall apart in my hands.  Awesome!  I hope this isn't an indication of how the rest of the day is going to go.  I try to put them back together, only to realize that they were finally dead.  (Perhaps now is a good time to get those Tifosi's I've been dreaming about???)

But it isn't THAT sunny I should be ok...I was just hoping my eyes wouldn't dry out too much.  And they didn't. (whew).

As we're all standing around, waiting to get started...we are all comparing how far we're riding that morning.  I have to was very nice to be in the shortest group that morning.  As everyone else looked on the Ironman group in jealousy (oh come on now, you know it's true) that we were only riding 20 miles. 

So we get started...and I am not having any fun.  There's a lot of climbing to do...which normally is fine with me...but these hills, combined with my lack of a decent attitude about the ride...did not make for a fun start.  And everyone that had been riding in front of me were no longer in site. Awesome. 

I then get passed by a car, and instead of pulling over far enough to get around me, the jerk completely sprayed me.  Even more fantastic.  At least it wasn't cold yesterday. might, now, be thinking "isn't this supposed to be one of the highlights?"  Yes, yes it is.  I'm getting to that part.  So...for about the first 8 miles or so, I just kept moving forward, not really having any fun...but starting to get a little more comfortable with the conditions.  There was one moment about 4 miles in where I briefly, and not very seriously, considered just going back to the parking lot.  But I knew that I needed to finish my ride to regain some of my confidence in these conditions.  So I kept moving forward. 

And wouldn't you know, just as I rounded the bend to climb Mt. Nebo...I look up...and am shocked.  I see people!  I had caught up with people!  Woohoo!!  Ok, so some of them had stopped...but still...people!  So I continue to climb, and climb, and descend, and climb (and I passed a couple of people!)...and somewhere around mile 14...something unreal happened.  I started having a lot of fun.  I actually think it was about this point that I actually got warmed things definitely started looking up.  I had caught up to a couple of other girls, and ended up riding with them the rest of the way.  But one of my big victories for the ride was that I started to get less tentative while riding downhill.  To the point I really started having fun with some of them, and getting into a high gear, and pedaling, pedaling, pedaling and going faster, faster, faster.  It was fun :)  I know...I just said I enjoyed going down a hill.  Fast.  I never thought I would actually say those words. 

And before I knew it, I was back in the parking lot...done.  Man...I *just* started having a good time.  And it's over already??? 

This ride actually made me think back a couple of years, when an 18 mile bike ride was all I could do before my body would say "excuse're done now" and would politely shut down.  Because I got back after 20, knowing that my legs (and the rest of my body) could do a looooooooooot more than 20 miles.  But it was fun to stop after 20...because then I could actually go home...and go to a baseball game!  Woohoo!  Plans that don't involve training!! 

So, while before yesterday's ride, though I love Cecric...I really wasn't looking forward to riding him ever again.  Or putting on my running shoes.  But now...I can't wait for next weekends 110 mile bike ride and 18 mile run!  Ok, so maybe I can't wait until they're over.  But being reminded of the progress I've made, and know that I will continue to make, doesn't make the decision not to do an Ironman next year any easier.  I still haven't officially given up on the idea...but I think I'm leaning towards not doing it.  With some very longing glances towards signing up for Cedar Point.  But then again...the decision isn't really anything could happen.

Now, on to this week...starting off with a run!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In Lieu of Vacation

I had had a goal of taking a vacation this year that didn't involve either a race or visiting family.  I don't actually remember the last time this happened.  But, life circumstances have gotten in the way and it's not going to be possible this year. 

As I was laying in bed this morning, once again unwilling to get up, because I was exhausted...I started thinking about the plans I've made for recovery weekend and what I would do with an extra day off.  At the moment, it looks like I won't be spending much time at home this weekend...which is fine...because all of the stuff that I'm doing are things that I am really looking forward to. Happy Hour with friends, recovery run, volunteering at a race, and a baseball game on Sunday.

So...what would I do with this extra day off?  It would have to start with "sleeping in" and drinking coffee.  And then all of the things I've been wanting to do to my apartment that I haven't had time for.  I have a ridiculously tiny apartment, and I've started re-arranging some of my furniture, but there are a few things that I just don't have time for after work.  Like cleaning out my closets.  And mopping my floor.  And doing laundry. 

Now, don't get me wrong...I realize that this is, in no way equal to taking an actual vacation.  But at the same time, I have taken enough business trips lately that I have spent more than enough time in a hotel room, eating crappy food...that it wouldn't really be fun anyway. 

So, now I just need to decide what day I'm taking off.  So I can clean.  I feel  And boring.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Catatonic vs. Inner Strength

First of all, exciting news.  I finished my first century ride today!!  :):):)  If I had any energy left, I would do a happy dance.  For now, I'll have to settle for a celebratory nap on my couch. 

In the middle of this century, I took a break...and at the end of the break, I happened to check my email.  What I found there was most unexpected.  An email from an old friend, who, at one time, I was quite close to.  To say the least, things did not end well.  The content of this email was nothing I was unaware of, but the source left me nearly catatonic for the better part of 20 minutes. 

I called my mom, because I needed to talk to someone, but wasn't sure what to say.  She understood exactly how I was feeling, and just sat on the phone with me for several minutes while I was simply unable to utter any words.

As I said, the content of the email was nothing I was unaware of.  It basically talked about who I am, and a couple of anecdotes about times I had showed an unexpected amount of strength.  And also about what had happened between us, and long story short, an apology.

It served as a much needed reminder of what I'm capable of doing, and how far I have come.  This week has been...odd.  And has had me thinking about a lot of things in my life.  The past, the present, and the future.  The past is the past, and something I don't want to forget because it has helped shape who I am now.  But there are certain aspects that I rarely talk about, and for those of you who weren't there with'd probably never imagine.  But it's something I'm ready to let go of...and to do that, I'm just going to get it out.  I was in a relationship that was horrible.  And I have scars...emotional scars...from times where I was frequently and obscenely told that I was worthless.  It was an abusive relationship...and it has taken a long time to overcome. 

But what this is really about now is moving past that.  In the past I have had little faith in myself, and a times, those around me.  But it's time to move forward.  In the past week, I've had more reminders than I can count about how wonderful so many people in my life are right now.  It's time I realize, and accept this fact...and that this is my future.  Not cruelty.  So...thanks for being so awesome, and for being there for me when I've needed it. 

For now though, I'm going to listen to the advice of one of my fabulous friends, and I'm going to go to sleep now. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What A Day!!


The extra exclamation points are definitely required at the moment.  As I sit here drinking my chocolate almond recovery milk, I feel I can now (tentatively) say...I'M BACK!!  This past weekend was horrible.  But things started taking a turn for the better yesterday evening.  I did absolutely no training yesterday...but I did something to repair my sole(s) a bit.  I now have happy toes, and happy fingers.  And the time spent with a friend did much for my mental health. 

Beyond that, I got to bed on time last night, and slept quite well, apparently.  I woke up this morning, and after being reminded about TV being available on Hulu, I decided to check it out before I went for a spin this morning.  I was uber ecstatic to find Top Gear, only to then realize that it was the substandard American version :/  It was still ok.  But the spin went well.  The only thing I can say is that while traveling about the country, Cedic and I spent far too much time apart, and my sit bones told me (screamed) this morning.  But best of all, I went swimming after work...and WOW...WAHOO...YIPEE!!  It went ok. 

Seriously, I was nervous about swimming.  I don't think I've swam since to say the least, my hopes for a decent swim were low.  But yowza, what happened?  I was gliding through the water, swimming with such a relaxed stroke I wasn't really sure it was my stroke.  Ok, so perhaps the muscle that I lost during traveling, which was replaced by fat helped with my buoyancy.  But who cares!  That swim rocked!!  The only thing that stunk was that it only lasted a half hour.  One of my complaints about this gym is that you only get a half an hour in the pool if people are waiting.  But that felt awesome.  And I could breathe, which means that I really have gotten over my cold! :)

So, anyway...who would have thought that the pool would have been able to turn my mood around (normally, it's running that does this), but I'm feeling so positive right now!  I'm training for an Ironman...and for now (please remind me of this later) I'm having fun! 

Points to note:  Bonk Breaker energy bars are amazing.  And I might start eating them for breakfast. Combined with coffee, it's possible I could start flying to work.  Also, for all of the frustrations that I have been having lately, I realize that they are still there, but I'm putting things in place to turn things around, and continue moving forward.  So it's not fixed yet, and there is a lot that needs to be considered in the next few weeks/months...but for the moment, I'm feeling like things might actually work out. 

I also (finally) signed up for Waterman's Half.  And I have some very mixed feelings about this.  And I didn't realize it until directly after I clicked submit.  I have no idea what the next race will be that I sign up for.  Since long before I signed up for Arizona, I have said that I would take a bit of time off, I'll run a marathon in 2012...but other than that, I haven't committed to anything.  In fact, I haven't even committed to the marathon that I'll run.  So, in one respect, I'm excited about giving my bank account a break, because the small fortune I've spent (and will continue to spend) on IMAZ is hurting.  And part of me just wants to get through AZ before I make any decisions.  But there is also a part of me that wants to keep going with this whole Ironman thing.  Like, maybe next time I train for one of these, the whole process will be (slightly) easier.  The longer you do this, the better you get.  I understand that I still have time to decide, because IF I do an Ironman next year, it will be Cedar Point.  Oh Lord, if I decide to do another one next year, there is a VERY real possibility that my mother will kill me.  Or at the very least, not speak to me for a significant amount of time.  So I don't know, I can't tell you what the next year will hold.  And that makes me a little sad...because I just don't know.  It's not like I'm going to stop racing, but not having a clear plan (when so much time has been focused on one race for so long) seems...weird.

So, time to make dinner...because I'm officially back on the wagon...and this girl needs a good dinner!

Monday, September 12, 2011

French Fries are Not Vegetables

Oh, how I wish, wish, wish this were not true.  But alas, it is. 

I've basically just moved back to DC, after having been on the road for nearly a month during our busy season at work.  I, once again, ate like crap this year while traveling, but seemed to be in a better state of mind than I was last year...and it shows.  There were a few issues with cookies.  And fries.  And cereal (of all things).  But to prove that it wasn't the end of me...I weighed myself this morning, and I didn't even get close to my "wow, you really need to lose weight, like yesterday" weight.  I didn't even break into the next decade of pounds.  Ok, so it's close, but I didn't get there.  And in actuality, I only gained a couple of pounds.  Compared to last year, when I gained at least 10, the fact that my pants still fit (with nearly the same amount of room as before) is definitely a win.


It's time to get back into the routine of living here, eating healthy, and working out on a regular basis.  I thought that the transition to living back at home would be easy...but of course...everything that I *think* will be easy, ends up being a challenge.  I went grocery shopping on Friday evening...and looking back on the trips, I could have done a lot better.  Ok, I didn't do horrible.  Fruits and vegetables were purchased.  Pizza crust and Cinnamon Raisin Bread were also purchased. cookies. 

But I now have motivation to get back on the wagon.  I went for what was supposed to be a long run yesterday, and it was horrible.  I was dehydrated, and was definitely fatigued, and I knew that it was because I hadn't eaten well over the weekend. 

So it starts today. 

I have AWESOME Friends :)

I just wanted to give a quick shout out to everyone who sent me text messages, emailed, messaged, or commented.  You guys rock, and totally made my day a lot better.  I was really nervous about writing anything in general, mainly because I don't really like to share all of my personal stuff...but I'm so glad I did.

Today is a new day, and all of those frustrations are still there, but I'm seeing them in a slightly different light, so they don't weigh quite as much today.

What would I ever do without you :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I've been having a day, and I wouldn't say that it's been a good day.  And what put me over the top to having such a fine day?  I realized this morning that I lost all of the cash in my wallet sometime yesterday.  It wasn't a lot...somewhere around $20...but it's what put me over the top.  Mainly because I don't have enough in my checking account to get any more out until I get paid this week.  Which, normally I wouldn't need cash, except I was going to do a lot more laundry than I was able to do today.  In fact, I ended up laying out the last 2 loads all over my apartment, so I would have clothes to work out in and clothes to wear to work this week. 

So, I'm ok with the amount of laundry that I've been able to least I already had some money on my laundry card...but still...frustrating.

The day, obviously, did not start out with this.  I had a crappy run this morning.  I'm still recovering from the cold I've had, and lets just say I was only able to get in a fraction of the workouts I was supposed to do this weekend.  I'm trying to remember that I'm using this weekend as recovery/transition back to life as normal...but it's still frustrating. 

Beyond that...lack of money, and lack of training...with now thinking about going back to school, and moving...with the added bonus of Ironman Arizona coming up far too quickly...I've been beside myself. 

I'm so frustrated with where I am in life right now.  Most of the time I'm ok...just certain days are worse than others.  Today, everything feels like it's weighing me down.  I'm frustrated with how tiny my apartment is.  And beyond that, how much I pay for this tiny apartment.  But I can't afford to move out of this tiny apartment either, because that would cost money too.  To get out of my lease, and the expense of moving.  I'm feeling stuck.  And broke. 

So, this is not normally a statement I would make...but could I please find a sugar daddy?  Please? 

And to top things off...who can I talk to about this?  I've only skimmed over the surface here...into the land of anonymity...but who can I really have a conversation with about this?  Everyone has their own stuff...and some of this stuff is too personal to talk to just anyone about.  And I don't want to be a bother.  And just thinking that makes me feel stupid.  But that's the truth. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday Thirteen: The Airport Edition

1)  I'm on my way home!!!  I currently have no scheduled business trips, and at last count, will not for a while.  I'll be going home to an empty kitchen, and a lot of cleaning to do.  But life is returning to "normal."

2)  I have a massive craving for sushi.

3)  I am in desperate need of a manicure/pedicure.  Fortunately, I have scheduled a trip to get both on Monday.  A belated birthday present for a friend.

4)  As if this wasn't news before, but my BFF is awesome, and always knows the right thing to say. 

5)  For as much as I've been traveling this past month, I actually have had a decent time.  I haven't been working 6 days a week, and all of the sessions that I have delivered have went really well.  To the point where people have told me during every session that I'm doing an excellent job.  I love hearing that :)

6)  The previous comment definitely hast helped with tolerating the travel this year.

7) Along with the fact that I have awesome friends who have been uber supportive.

8)  I have to say, life is going pretty darn good right now.  I have my moments of freaking out, and worrying, etc...but at the end of day...I know things will work out.

9)  I am occasionally appalled at the housing prices in DC.  In the past week, I've been re-introduced to housing costs (both rental and purchase) in Middle America...and I'm jealous.  Really jealous. 

10)  I wonder how late I'll actually get home tonight.  My flight lands at 8:30.  My guess is 10pm.

11)  I would like to throw my suitcase out the window.  It's been traveling for 2 years now, and it's definitely well past it's prime.  It needs to be retired.

12)  Did I mention I have a craving for sushi? 

13)  And that I get to sleep in my own bed tonight?  Because I do.  All night long.  And I'll be sleeping there again tomorrow night, and the night after.  It's a glorious thing.