Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday Thirteen: The Airport Edition

1)  I'm on my way home!!!  I currently have no scheduled business trips, and at last count, will not for a while.  I'll be going home to an empty kitchen, and a lot of cleaning to do.  But life is returning to "normal."

2)  I have a massive craving for sushi.

3)  I am in desperate need of a manicure/pedicure.  Fortunately, I have scheduled a trip to get both on Monday.  A belated birthday present for a friend.

4)  As if this wasn't news before, but my BFF is awesome, and always knows the right thing to say. 

5)  For as much as I've been traveling this past month, I actually have had a decent time.  I haven't been working 6 days a week, and all of the sessions that I have delivered have went really well.  To the point where people have told me during every session that I'm doing an excellent job.  I love hearing that :)

6)  The previous comment definitely hast helped with tolerating the travel this year.

7) Along with the fact that I have awesome friends who have been uber supportive.

8)  I have to say, life is going pretty darn good right now.  I have my moments of freaking out, and worrying, etc...but at the end of day...I know things will work out.

9)  I am occasionally appalled at the housing prices in DC.  In the past week, I've been re-introduced to housing costs (both rental and purchase) in Middle America...and I'm jealous.  Really jealous. 

10)  I wonder how late I'll actually get home tonight.  My flight lands at 8:30.  My guess is 10pm.

11)  I would like to throw my suitcase out the window.  It's been traveling for 2 years now, and it's definitely well past it's prime.  It needs to be retired.

12)  Did I mention I have a craving for sushi? 

13)  And that I get to sleep in my own bed tonight?  Because I do.  All night long.  And I'll be sleeping there again tomorrow night, and the night after.  It's a glorious thing. 

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