Friday, March 9, 2012

The 40 Day Challenge - Day 6

I am 6 days in.  I have not had a cookie.  And I have not had peanut butter.

But since I am allowing myself other dessert-y type things, I am totally jonesing for some chocolate cake right now. 

But I don't have any chocolate cake.  So I ate a banana. 

I mean, it's almost the same thing, right? 

Banana, chocolate cake, chocolate cake, banana.  Totally the same thing.  Oh, and it almost helps that I ate a piece of dark chocolate before I ate the banana.

But in all seriousness...the week hasn't been THAT difficult within the parameters of the challenge.  The new recipe that I tried on Monday (Meatless Monday, in fact) was delicious, and I already foresee this becoming a staple in my diet.  It was Eating Well's (via Cat) Sweet Potato with Warm Black Bean Salad.  With slight modifications, because I don't currently own Cardamon, and refuse to buy kitchen staples like that until I move, so I used Chili powder instead.  And instead of sour cream i used goat cheese.  Utterly delicious. 

Other than that, it's been a "meh" week.  I've been in a grumpy, cranky, I don't want to deal with people mood most of the week.  I mean, there have been some good moments.  But by and big ugh.  And of course, when those moments hit, they only lead to more frustration and the smallest thing will frustrate me, or make me sad, or frankly, just piss me off.  Ok, so mother nature hates me. 

I also just realized today that I have 2 weeks left of work.  Two weeks!  That is not a lot.  And though I'm excited, really excited, now is the time when it's starting to hit that I'm moving in 2 weeks! 

Side note - it became apparent who does and does not read my blog, even when I post it for the world to see on facebook.  Apparently, it was still a state secret to many that I was moving half way across the country.  But I think I'm in too cranky of a mood to actually write about my feelings about that.  Because it's probably not as severe as I actually am perceiving it to be right now.  So maybe I'll wait to write about it next week. 

Anyway...the 40 day challenge continues. 

The next new recipe is also from Eating Well, Flat Bread with White Bean Puree and Caramelized Onions.  Again, with modifications for my genetically inferior self. But still, it sounds tasty. 

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