By the title of this post, you may be expecting some winey monologue complaining about how sad and depressing it is living all alone. Or maybe something about not being able to share chores like doing dishes, or something like that. But that's not what you'll find here.
My current problem began a week and a half ago. In the world of Johanna...what happened a week and a half ago? I got a second degree sunburn which aesthetically looks quite pleasing in the shape of a comma on the back of both shoulders.
Now, a week and a half later, the burn is healing. And it itches like crazy.
So of course, because of the location, I have to dislocate my shoulder in order to reach the itch. And of course, not only can I not scratch the itch, I also can't sufficiently put lotion on said burn either.
I've tried a door. It doesn't work. time you see me a favor...for the love of God...scratch my back. I'm begging you.
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