As if most people didn't already know this fact, I'm just going to lay out all of the nerdly facts right now. My current obsession is with The Civil War, and my dream vacation is to go to Gettysburg for the weekend. (Why, yes, we DID stop and drive through the battlefields on our way back from NY, but that's not good enough...I want more)
I'm currently reading a book about Civil War curiosities. And it's so not as good as I was hoping it would be. Granted, I'm only 3 chapters in right now, but I'm not liking the way the book is structured. It gives little snippets of interesting (or curious) facts from The Civil War, but it doesn't really go into much detail about any one character. For example, there's an entire chapter on guys who served from both the Union and the Confederate's who served (gallantly) with one or several limbs missing. We get their name, which side they were on, and what battles they were in. But seriously, there's only so many guys you can read about before everything starts to blur together. This is great, they did great things...TELL ME ABOUT IT! Not just that they had to be strapped to their saddle to be able to ride. Woo. So, Webb Garrison, I applaud your effort, but I give you a C...minus.
But I'm hopeful that my nerdly adventure is going to get better. Because not only do I have the curiosities book to read, I now have (in my possession or ordered) approximately 6 books about The Civil War to read. Maybe more, I'm not actually sure of the total count.
Next up on the reading list (most likely) will be a book by Stephen Ambrose (author of Band of Brothers) about Crazy Horse and Custer. I'm a little excited.
So, if in conversation, or any other type of communication, I begin to spout off about the bloody carnage that happened, or interesting facts about battlers, etc...I'm telling you now, you were warned. are so funny....It was our study of medicine during the Civil War (in highschool) that I realized i wanted to go into nursing....ah so morbid!!!