Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I really need to get better at creating titles for my blog posts.  But there are a few random things rolling around my head...so I think this title fits.

1)  I saw something on the plane yesterday that both infuriated me and also made me in awe of what potential we humans have.  I flew Southwest yesterday, and in true Southwest fashion...you get to pick your seats.  I was lucky enough to have been forced to buy a business class ticket, so out of the general population getting on the plane, I was number 4.  Which meant I was able to get a seat really far forward, on the aisle...exactly where I like to sit.  And after I was sitting for a while, I heard a kid crying...but it wasn't the normal screaming baby crying that is so infamous on planes.  This was different.  The longer I listened, I realized that there was a boy...I would guess that he was around 10-12, and he DID NOT want to fly.  In fact, he was on the phone with (I'm assuming) a parent.  And he was crying.  And his younger sister was sitting next to him, and she wasn't saying much, but she was crying too.  And I have to say...she was really cute with her smudged little glasses and her headband.  And as more people were getting on the plane...most were avoiding this row like the plague.  But there was an older woman who almost walked by, and then realized what was going on, and instead of walking past, promptly sat with these 2 children, and started talking to them.  Calming them down.  And it worked.  The kids finally stopped crying (my guess it was the mass quantities of snacks that the flight attendant gave them) and they ended up having a really good flight.  But it wouldn't have happened had this lovely woman not been so selfless to take the time to just be nice to these children.

On the other hand...it was about 15 minutes into the flight (if not longer) that I realized that these children's grandfather (if you can really call him that) was sitting in the row directly in front of them.  Yeah...the kids were crying well before the flight...and we couldn't figure out that their grandfather was sitting directly in front of them.  Why?  Because not once during the entire episode did he even turn around to say anything to these children.  NOT ONCE!  I was disgusted.  I did not kick him as I walked by later, but I would have loved to.

2)  So...I'm a friendly sort of person.  No really...I am.  I'll talk to anyone.  Hey...it's kind of my job.  And when you travel a lot...it helps break up the monotony.  Besides...who doesn't want to have a good flying experience.  So anyway...we're in line yesterday to get on the plane...and I started talking to a guy that was in line next to me.  I'd seen him earlier with some of his co-workers...and clearly saw the wedding ring on his left hand.  But I wasn't trying to pick him up.  I was just chatting.  But wouldn't you know...the entire time we were talking...that left hand of his was securely in his pocket.  Dude...seriously.  I don't care if you're married.  I'm not trying to do anything that would even get your wife pissed off at you.  I was just chatting.  Married people are allowed to have conversations...right? 

3) I am in desperate need of more coffee.  As I'm traveling often right now, my parents, of course, want to be kept up to date on where I am in my travels.  And I often include anecdotes such as "Made it to the airport, through security, in desperate search for coffee."  My dad then turns around and says that it seems like I'm always in search of coffee.  Which is kind of true.  I had (I think) 4 cups yesterday.  Which in the grand scheme of things, really isn't THAT much.  I drink a lot more water during the day.  But still...coffee is not something we should not deprive Johanna of.  I'm pretty sure we all know this.  But one of these days, I wonder if it's going to catch up to me.  It's time for another anecdote about my grandma.  So, as in previous posts, we've begun to explore the similarities between me and my grandma.  A love of coffee is another similarity.  She would always drink a cup in the morning (black, like me).  And she was so funny....she would always pour the coffee until it overflowed onto the saucer, just so she could get a little extra jolt (me, I just use a bigger mug).  And then she'd let the coffee sit until lunch when she would have another cup.  She'd heat it up in the microwave.  This is where we differ.  You will never catch me doing something like this.  I completely admit that I'm a coffee snob...and reheating cold coffee is just a horrid idea.  But anyway...for my entire life...and long before I was born...this is what my grandma did.  As she was getting older, and was getting sicker...my parents and the care givers that worked with my grandma noticed that she was really shaky during the day.  So...they pulled a fast one on my grandma.  They put decaf coffee in her caffeinated canister...and voila...the jitters stopped. 

If any of you ever try to do this to me...I will rain down terror upon your head, like nothing you've ever seen before.  :)

4) I bought orange slices yesterday.  Not the real fruit.  The candy ones.  Not really because I want to eat them.  Personally...I find the thought a little gross.  But I saw them at Target...and I got a nostalgic warm fuzzy feeling.  My grandpa ALWAYS had orange slices in his house.  ALWAYS.  He loved them.  Ate them all the time.  And I guess I've just been missing both of them lately.  It's been nearly 10 years since they both passed away...and something about seeing those stupid orange slices is a comfort. 

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