I knew this was going to happen. I just knew it. I was off work for 2 weeks, and literally did nothing except lay on the couch. And I went crazy. Absolutely stir crazy.
Now it's August. More appropriately ARRRRRgust.
It's the busy season. Which means everyone at work is drowning, and I will be home for 1 week. One. Week. And even then...not in the office.
I don't mind traveling. I actually enjoy it. But I miss my bed when I'm gone. And it's a range of emotions. And there are other things. There are a lot of other things. I love delivering training sessions. I love getting to work with teachers and administrators, and seeing the fact that what I'm telling them is actually sinking in. Their excitement to take this information back to their classrooms, where it will only benefit the children they teach is quite rewarding.
But like I said. There are other things. I still have a massive amount of work that I'm responsible for that no one else can help me with because they're all drowning too. And for as much as I have hated to admit it, I'm not superwoman, and there are just some things that I can't get done. Not immediately. And some people that want these things done want it done yesterday...and when it's not...they push...they push and they make me look bad for not getting to everything. It's hard. It's hard for me to accept that I just can't get everything done.
Other than not being able to be Superwoman...the traveling is hard. When I'm actually delivering the training session, I'm always on. It's like I'm performing for 7 hours a day, entertaining the group of people that have no idea who I am. Then, once the day is done, I head back to my hotel room...where I sit in my hotel room, likely eating room service and watching reruns on TV. It's the drastic 180 that's needed...but also a little maddening. It's extreme. Don't even mention any sight-seeing of any kind...because I'm quite certain I saw all of Eastern Kentucky that I needed to see on the drive from the airport. And after a day of performing, I need to decompress. But it gets lonely.
I eat like crap when I travel. I get one day at home...and that day isn't relaxing. It definitely hasn't been relaxing today. I have this one day to get everything done that I need to get done. Laundry. Cleaning. Shopping.
I've already had a couple of moments where I was ready to throw in the towel. And it's just the beginning of the month. There's a lot more of this to go...
So to that I say...
Remember when? Remember when I got to lay at home and watch movies all day. Granted, I couldn't run. So let's say...I'd gladly take another week of being able to lay on the couch, as long as I could run whenever I want too. Is that too much to ask? Unfortunately for now...yes...it is too much to ask.
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