Thursday, August 13, 2009

Yes, I take my coffee black...

After an insanely long day that began around 4:30 this morning...I now can't sleep.

When I finally rolled out of bed this morning, as usual, coffee was the first thing on my mind. Since I was still in a hotel room...and the stuff they give you in the room isn't actually coffee...merely hot brown liquid that has caffeine in it...I thought I would call room service and have them send up a pot of coffee.

I dial "0" and a very polite woman greets me. I ask to have coffee sent to the room. Only to find that room service doesn't start serving until 6am. It's only 5 at this point.

My hopes of semi-decent coffee have been smashed...and so early in the day.

So...for lack of a better option...I decide to make do with the fake stuff until I can get a decent cup with my breakfast.

I should probably take this opportunity to mention that I'm a bit of a coffee snob...if that wasn't blatantly obvious. I drink coffee every day. EVERY DAY. And I am a snob about it. I like strong, black coffee. The stronger, the better. This, I blame on my brother. Whose coffee is more frequently compared to sludge than anything you should actually digest. But we still drink it anyway. In my role as a coffee snob...I must say, I'm a home brewer. I'm not a huge fan of Starbucks, and only put up with it if there isn't a better alternative. So's one step above hotel room coffee...or break room coffee. If I have to buy coffee somewhere, I'd much prefer an independent coffee house...the quaint mom and pop shop. But again...I'd much rather just make a cup myself at home.

So finally...breakfast time arrives. My co-worker and I decided yesterday that we would return to the deli where we had eaten lunch the day before for breakfast. It was cheap...the food was good...and it was only a block from where we would be doing the training session today. So we arrive early...and order. The one negative thing about this place was that it took foreeeeeeeeeever for the food to be prepared. perhaps I was starving and was cranky. But seemed like it took 30 minutes to make one sandwich. When I finally order...we decided to eat there. We had some no need to rush. We take a sit at a table in the corner, and the woman working behind the counter was very delighted to bring the food to our table for us. She had a huge smile on her face and everything. However...when she brought my large cup of coffee to the table...she had automatically put in cream and sugar. I'm not sure how much sugar was in it...I didn't even attempt a taste. There was enough cream in the cup of coffee that it looked more like...well...milk. Gross.

So, I politely tell her that I didn't want cream or sugar in my coffee, I take it black. She actually looked a little horrified. "You drink your coffee black?" But she didn't question my request, and promptly brought me another cup of coffee. The coffee was ok...but nothing spectacular. But it apparently did the trick considering the amount of time I've been awake.

I would also like to take this time to mention that if at all possible, I urge anyone and everyone to avoid the Newark Airport. It was...I do believe...the most awful experience I've had in an airport. Now...I've traveled quite a bit...and have been through several airports...and this is by far the worst experience ever. They attempt to look polite and orderly by having people in maroon jackets standing about ready and willing to answer your questions for you. However, this would really only be successful if these people knew the answers to your questions, or could do something more productive than point you in a direction that really ended up being the wrong direction anyway.

The one bright spot was as I was in line to go through security, a nice fellow from Norway struck up a conversation with me. He had been on a plane for 8 hours...and at this point was happy to be able to speak to anyone...about anything. The fact that I had heard of the band he'd flown across the Atlantic to see was merely a bonus for him I'm sure. Although this pleasantry was short lived. As we both made it through security without being detained further, we realized that we were in separate terminals. Ah well. Fair well Peter...I hope you enjoy your concerts.

The next few hours passed somewhat pleasantly with a phone call to my dad. Not that the phone call was was quite enjoyable to be able to talk to him. The setting, however, could have used a little work. Oh well...I shouldn't complain too much about airports because I'll be spending enough time in them over the course of the next week that I should probably get used to it. And I should probably get comfortable with the idea that this might not be the worst experience possible.

So where does this long journey end? After my flight was delayed 3 times...accompanied with a gate change at the last minute...I finally arrived back in DC. Every time I leave my fair city...I always miss it. The sight of the Capital always puts a smile on my face...because then I know that I am home. This time I was able to see it from the air...quite lovely really.

And now...after a long day...and more coffee than I probably should have drank...I've been up for 20 hours...and I'm nearly wide awake.

Oye. It's a good thing I don't have to go to work tomorrow...

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