Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Savageman: A weekend to remember

Initially after the race on Sunday...I basically wanted to curl up (and possibly die) and forget that the race ever happened. At that point, I felt that nothing had really went right for my race. Now, a couple of days later...I'm starting to see a lot more good things about the weekend than I initially had.

My first thanks for the day has to be everyone that was helping prep breakfast at the tent. As soon as I walked up...the first pot of coffee was finished brewing...you really can't ask for more perfect timing than that :)

After hanging around to watch everyone dance into their wetsuits...I wished Katy (my swimmer) good luck, told Ginny I would see her on the bike...and I headed out to Toothpick lane where I was volunteering to point everyone left. I thought I was going to be the only one there, but was pleased to see Erin standing there as well. I really enjoyed getting to cheer for everyone as they flew past on their bikes. Seeing everyone's faces as they grimaced looking at the hill to come was priceless.

After my volunteer shift was over...I headed back to the Z tent to chill out before I needed to run. I have to say that I absolutely love relaying...and I especially love doing the run portion...but the wait is a killer. But I was calm...which is a completely new thing for me. Normally I'm a nervous mess...but you know...never having ran a half marathon before...not to mention the course...what did I have to be nervous about?

It was great getting to hang out with all of the other runners in transition...especially hedging bets with Chris on when I would pass him. I was a little jealous of seeing everyone else off as their bikers came in...Ginny had told me she needed 5 hours on the bike...and when she passed me that morning at 9:20, I knew we were exactly on schedule. But to be honest, Ginny was the only one that ever said she needed 5 hours...everyone else knew she'd be in before that. And true to that...she was in at 4:30. Awesome job on the bike Ginny.

And finally...I was running...which felt awesome. I had seen a large portion of the run course...and knew that it was challenging, but not...horrible. The first loop really wasn't bad. The only time I had to walk was half-way up the Tower Climb. And it also helped that by the time I was running my first loop, I was getting passed by a ton of people on their second loop. One guy even gave me kudos for wearing my running skirt...and appreciated that I was "bringing it back". By the time I got to the park to start my second loop...my legs were starting to feel it...but at the time...I didn't think it was anything I couldn't overcome. I slowed down. I tried to keep myself as hydrated as possible without giving myself a stomach ache. But I could not have been more wrong about being able to overcome my legs. I had also checked my time, and knew that I was perfectly on schedule to come in on my goal time of 2:30. Rock on.

I passed Holly...looking like a rock star...early on the second loop. I must say it was awesome racing with you Holly!

My first challenge was that my plan to eat a banana the first time I passed the aid station at the entrance to the campground was foiled by the fact that they no longer had any bananas.


I'll just have to wait 4 miles until the next aid station.

I also got a chance to see Chris...and he made fun of me for not passing him in the campground, and we again hedged bets on when I would overtake him. He was banking on me passing him by the Tower Climb. I wasn't so sure...but was willing to try.

But then...my calves...and oddly my ankle...started cramping. I slowed down even more...and walked up a few big hills. Which really sucked...because I actually LIKE running up hills...but my legs just wouldn't let me. By mile 9.5...I was done. I just wanted to be across the finish line and sitting down...with my legs soaking in ice. But for some reason, this pesky course thought that it needed to go on for a few more miles. WTF is up with that?!?

I'm not going to lie...the next few miles were awful. There were times I was in tears my legs hurt so badly...and if it weren't for the occasional cheer from either fellow Z'ers or the occasional spectator...I probably wouldn't have made it. When I once again passed Chris after he had made it down the Tower Climb...I knew I wasn't going to catch him. I knew my legs wouldn't be able to get me there. But he still told me that I would. Chris...that seriously meant a lot. This is the second race that we've been in there at the end together...and it's been fantastic!...well...mostly :)

Then on to the next aid station. Guess what. No bananas.


Oh yeah...and did I mention that half way through the second loop, I look down and realized that I no longer was wearing my race belt? Fan. Tas. Tic. When I wasn't feeling like I was going to die...I was casually looking at the ground to see if I had dropped it in a ditch somewhere.

But then I get to the top of the Tower Climb, and to the aid station there. And guess what? THEY HAVE BANANAS! At this point...I basically realize that it's going to have absolutely no benefit other than a placebo...but I thought that might be enough to get me across the finish line. As I rounded the cone at the top...another volunteer stopped and said "222...I have your number...I've been waiting for you!"

Phew...no penalty for that...hopefully :)

I hook it back to my waist...and take off down the hill. By this time...my legs are hurting enough that I can't even really run downhill either. Lovely.

Over the last couple of miles...I honestly don't remember a lot. There were a few Z'ers that passed me...and tried to get me to run to the end with them...and I just couldn't keep up. I appreciate the support because I definitely needed it!

By the time I got back to the park...I knew I was close...and couldn't wait to finish. I ended up walking a huge portion of it. And at approximately mile 12.75, my race belt fell off again. ARGH!?! When I leaned down to pick it up...remember that weird ankle cramp. Yeah...it just got a million times worse. At that point...I knew I'd have to walk the rest of the way. I kept trudging along...and finally made it to the curve before the finish line. There was absolutely no way I was going to let anyone see me walk across the finish line...so I started jogging...and crying at the same time. I remember seeing Ginny and Chris there...and Jeff doing his usual of asking me what took so long. I don't remember much about crossing the finish line other than sobbing against Jeff and attempting to ask to sit down somewhere. Jeff and Ginny got me to a bench...and then got me to calm down a little bit and tell them what hurt...which was basically everything.

Shoe removal. Foot up. Ice pack. Drinking half of Ed's beer. I'm feeling slightly better...but the embarrassment of crying across the finish line is starting to set in...

Up to this point...I was feeling awful about how the race went. I hadn't made my goal time...even though I was fairly certain I was in under my "even if I eff up" time. At that point I was sure the slim chance my relay team had of getting on the podium for all female relays was gone. And I was just looking forward to coming back next year and crushing the race.

Since then...my perspective has changed a little.

I checked the times yesterday...and found out the EngergiZer BunnieZ placed second (2 podium placements in 2 weekends...I could totally get used to that...) and my legs aren't hurting nearly as bad...and I've realized that a lot of really good things came out of this race.

First off...huge kudos to some people...

Chris...you were totally a rock star out there and you and Ginny were a fantastic to support all weekend.
Fabrice...major kudos on actually giving Chris that 1 loop lead he needed to stay ahead of me (I wasn't actually serious when I told you to do that!?!)
Holly...for sticking in there looking like a rock star while doing it...and making sure that the trees knew you were ok after you fell :)
Nicholas...for actually starting to run when I made fun of you on the Tower Climb
Katy and Ginny...for being an awesome relay team! I had such a good time...and you both did amazing...and I'm glad we were able to beat out 2 (not just 1) other relay team!!!
Every single Z member that encouraged me on the run...you are all amazing and I literally could not have done it without your support.
There was another racer who had finished and was cheering on the last leg of the run...who had told me good job...to whom I responded "You lie...but thank you anyway."

Lessons learned...

CARRY YOUR OWN NUTRITION. Yeah...no more dumbass moments for me there.
Don't wait until you can actually tell that you need new running shoes before buying them.
Aquaphor in a small tube is a great thing to bring on the run.
Buy a race belt that is actually going to stay on.
When camping the night before a race and the weather prediction is for the 40's, bring fleece.

I'm feeling better about life now...and about my prospects for next year. My goal is to do the entire Half next year...and this has just given me even more motivation to work my ass off to do it. It's a great race, a great course...and with the support of all of you...it's totally possible :)

Best. Team. Ever.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I need a vacation from my vacation...

Last fall when I moved half-way across the country, I accepted the fact that some of my vacation time would need to be spent visiting home. It's just something that you have to do. Your friends miss you. Your family misses you. But what these visits create is a very stressful few days that are packed with trying to see everyone. Don't get me wrong...I love seeing everyone...but I occasionally need a break to recover from those visits.

This trip had been planned for a long time. The actual, official reason for the trip was my 10 year High School reunion. Don't get me started on how old that makes me feel...but anyway that was what the excuse was for going home. But really...the only thing that got me there was knowing that I would get to see my best friend, and my college roommate...and her son. Oh yeah...an my family...it's always nice to see them.

Well the weekend started easily enough. I flew home Thursday evening, and thankfully didn't have any problems on the way. I got to talk to Jeff while I was in the airport...which helped me waste some time...and then had quite an uneventful flight home. My parents picked me up at the airport...and we headed home. I actually felt like such a kid several times on this trip...the first incident of this was on the way home. I ended up curling up in the back seat and falling asleep on the drive home...which I don't think I've done since I was a child. But I couldn't help it...I was tired.

Then Friday morning I wake up, make coffee and read for a bit. And as usual, my dad asks me what I want for breakfast...and I finally decide on pancakes. Dad makes really gooooood pancakes. The first pancake that he made me...yeah...it was definitely in the shape of Mickey Mouse. But I guess I shouldn't feel too bad...he made one for my mom as well. So I hang out with the parental units for a little while...then I head to town to have lunch at the Dairy Bar with Gretchen, Derek, Chris and Sarah. There is one reason we eat at the Dairy Bar. They have the best freaking cole slaw ever! Even though we're having them cater the reunion, we're still making a special trip there for lunch. So we get there, order, and wait for our food. After quite a wait...they come out and tell us that they're out of cole slaw...but we could have potato salad with our meal. How can they be out of COLE SLAW?!? That's ridiculous! But anyway...we eat...and sit around talking for a bit...then all of a sudden...I look over at Gretchen...and tell her that I really want to go down the big curly slide. Did I mention that the Dairy Bar is in the local park? So we all go outside...and have our 15 minutes of acting like a kid...good times.

Because my time was so short...I told my mom to invite all of the family that could make it to the house on Friday evening so I could see as many of them as possible. So it was nice to see my Aunt and Uncle and my Grandma. My Uncle hadn't actually seen me lately...and he didn't even recognize me. Tally number 1 for that count.

The next morning was the Schutzenfest 5K. We had a ridiculously hard time finding info about this race...but finally...thanks to my Grandma...I had a start time and location. So I get there...and laugh at the small town Middle America race. 9 people had pre-registered...but fortunately a few other people showed up. I ended up having a good race...and finished in 26:32...which was good enough for second in my age group, and second overall female. I was definitely happy...especially since this is probably going to be the only time I ever podium in a race...ever.

So I go home...get ready...and head to reunion part the first. It's a family picnic...I must say that it was nice to see most everyone. I got to talk to basically everyone...talk to them for a few minutes...but as reunions tend to go...I ended up hanging out with the people that I hung out with in High School. Believe me...I'm not complaining...because I love my bff. Oh yeah...and I ate fried chicken. Let's not talk about how gross I felt after that. I must say that it felt quite nice because most everyone that hadn't seen me in the past 5-10 years told me that they almost, or didn't recognize me. Granted...many of them told me it was because my hair is so different...which I find funny that they completely glossed over the fact that I've lost a ton of weight...but oh well. Mission accomplished :)

So we leave there around 2ish...and go to the lake house...and again relive our past. Uncle Jack takes us out of the boat...which was awesome. Then we go to the Ranch for dinner. I eat way too many chips and salsa...but I just can't help it...they're sooooooo goooooooooood. During dinner...my contact started bugging me really badly...so I ended up going home to take them out. It was bad enough that I couldn't really see...so I ended up not making it to reunion part the second. I'm not really sure I'm upset about that.

Sunday was a very nice day. I went to church with my parents...and got to see all of their friends. Then I went to Christina (my college roommate)'s house. More importantly I got to spend the afternoon with her adorable son. We read stories...and played...and he crawled all over the house. Then while he was napping Christina and I got to talk. We met the girls for dinner...and had a really nice them.

I got home late on Sunday...then woke up Monday...did some laundry...packed...and headed back to the airport...which I'm not refering to as my second home. But hopefully this will be my last flight for a while. Hopefully.

Then...I'm not quite sure what got into me last night. I got home from the airport at 7...and started unpacking. Not that this isn't needed. Because it totally is. I still have a lot of stuff to unpack and get situated. It was just weird. But I'm not really complaining.

So all in all...a good trip...I'm just tired still...and need another break. Oh well...I'll get one...eventually...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One month until my Birthday!

As the title suggests, my birthday is in exactly one month. Normally, every year about this time, I realize that my birthday is only a month away. And as I get a little older, I tend to get a little nostalgic, and like to look back at the past year. In most years past, I haven't been to happy with what I've had to look back on. I tend to feel that I've let the past year slide, and not accomplished anything.

This year...that isn't the case. I have had a very successful year. On October 1, 2008, I moved to DC. It was something that I had been planning for a couple of months...and I'm not afraid to admit that I was terrified. I was leaving everything that I had ever known, and moving half way across the country. I did have friends that I knew there...but I had no job...and a lot of uncertainty.

I must say that the couple of months that I had off work was nice. I tried to enjoy it. I went for long walks...and I started getting acquainted with my new city. I did search for a job, and by the time I actually got a job, I was more than happy to have one. I was starting to get bored, and antsy...and a little poor. And when I first started working at TSI, I thought that it was just a temp job...a paycheck until I found something else. But I knew that it was a great company, and they did really good things. Providing early childhood curriculum materials is something that people can respect. So the longer that I have worked there...the more I have come to appreciate and enjoy my job. It's somewhere where I don't mind going to work every day. There are crazy days, and there are days that make me want to pull my hair out. But really...I actually like my job. I think this is the first time that I can say that. I have had more opportunities come my way than I ever imagined to be possible. Even still, when a new opportunity is available to me, I'm shocked that it's happened so quickly. And it keeps happening...and that's a good thing :)

Other than this fabulous job that I have...something else has happened. I started running...and then added swimming and biking on top of it. I never in my wildest imagination thought that I would be able to accomplish some of the physical feats that I have in the past few months. But I wouldn't change them for anything.

I'm not going to say that everything has been fantastic this year. I've had a couple of relationships fall of their face. But I've learned something from them, and for that...I can't say that it's all bad. I try to never regret anything...and I really don't. As I said...I've learned something from them...so at least they weren't worthless.

So all in all...27 has been a very good age for me. I never enjoy getting a year older, and my actual birthday can never pass without some difficulty. My grandmother died on my 20th birthday, so there is always some sadness that accompanies my birthday...but this year...I am proud to look back at everything that I have accomplished...and I can pat myself on the back...and feel good about the person that I am. I can only hope that 28 will be just as good. Oh yeah...and I'm not going to feel bad about eating that piece of Lemon Cake either. Because it's just that damn good...