Sunday, May 29, 2011 THAT'S what training is supposed to be like

Well...for the first time since Shamrock in March, I made an important decision last week. I looked at a training schedule.

And I realized that I should be spending a lot of time on my bike. At least a lot more than I have been. So I have a lot of work to do in the next month and a half (can that really be right?!?) before Musselman.

But this weekend had been in my head to be a good, long training weekend. I have 3 days. So the plan literally has been to do a long run, "long" ride, and to rest.

So I wake up early yesterday morning...completely on my own...which is not that unusual. But I felt I had slept really well, so I went with it. And after breakfast, I decided I might as well go to the grocery store now because I knew I wouldn't really feel like it after my run. And then I sat down. And started ready Assassination Vacation...which side note: This book completely makes me want to take a road trip and get my nerd on. And also makes me thankful that while growing up, my parents did drive us all over the country on educational vacations so I have already been to a lot of the famous Lincoln sites...but I definitely want to re-visit them ALL.

But back to what I was supposed to be doing yesterday. Which is running. Sitting down is typically the killer to any desire that I have to work out. This is so comfortable. And this is so interesting. And this is so hot. I shall never survive if I leave the house to run 10 miles.

So I got over myself, and started running. The goal was to run 10 miles or 2 hours - whichever came first. Historically, for me, the 10 mile training run has been the epitome of getting my ass handed to me.

I am happy to report that I ended up finishing 10.35 miles in 1 hour and 50 minutes (this includes walking up a couple of small hills, as well as taking a short break to re-fill one of my water bottles). And I got back home, and I, of course, had the thought "oh...that was it?"

So I'd already gone to the grocery store, and did a 10 mile run...I had every right to lay around on the couch for the rest of the day and do nothing...right? Enter the moment where we realize Johanna does not know the definition of the word "relax." I ended up going back to the grocery store because I realized my chocolate almond milk was now the consistency of snot...and after finishing a 10 mile run...what tastes better than chocolate milk? And then I decided I needed to give myself a manicure and pedicure...which instead of spending $40 to treat myself, I spent 2 hours curled into a pretzel doing it myself. And of course the kitchen needed to be cleaned.

And then I promptly passed out on the couch.

So today starts off with still getting up early. And more reading. And now I'm getting ready to do that lovely bike ride. And then I really am laying around on the couch...because my goal is to finish the book today. And it's possible that I might have the Indy 500 on while I do so...because it's the Indy 500...and even though I normally don't watch car kind of takes me back to my youth...when my brother used to get mad because we had to go to some family thing every year and he was mad because he had to miss the race.

So while my friends are still climbing those miserable mountains today...I'll be laying on my couch...drinking chocolate milk. I'll be thinking of you...and will be glad that our places are not reversed.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I have a very clean bathroom...

...and kitchen...and, well...apartment.

Clean, to the point where I was on my hands and knees cleaning the floor.

What, you might ask, prompted such a spree of cleaning? Well...I got thrown for a bit of a loop today. I didn't really sleep in like I had hoped, and I ended up vegging on the couch most of the morning and I read a book. Yes, an entire book. Though I didn't drink as much coffee as I would have preferred, it was really very nice. Between mom's visit last weekend, working late at work, and long workouts, I haven't had much time to just enjoy the peace and quiet that my apartment often affords me. Then I finally decided I'd get a work out in. It went ok...nothing fantastic...and definitely nothing that is going to make finishing Musselman in a couple of months. But it did make me realize that I should start shopping for a new saddle soon.

Still nothing that threw me for a loop.

I check my email after I get done...and lo and ex has friended me on facebook. Now this is not an ex that ended on good terms. Let's just say that he was a bit of a control freak, and a manipulator. And just generally not a good guy. Hence why I kicked him to the curb.

It just made me feel like the past was creeping in on me...when at the moment, I'd much rather be moving forward. Personally...I like Cat's idea from last night...which includes a military doctor.

So what did I do? I started cleaning. I started in the bathroom. And it's now sparkling. And it wasn't until I was half way through the kitchen floor that I realized that if I let him affect me like this, he wins. And I don't like to lose. At all. So I immediately felt a little better.

I'm still in a bit of a funk...but not as bad as it could be.