Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Almost Thursday 13

1) There is a problem when you are responsible for only cooking for yourself.  At least I have a problem.  I make the same thing ALL THE TIME.  Literally, every week, I "grill" an entire package of chicken.  Made a batch of rice.  And continue to eat that for the rest of the week.  It's getting boring, and it's showing.  I've been much more willing to cheat on my "diet" and I'm sure this is one huge reason why.

2) Please send any healthy recipe's you might have, or think I might enjoy.  That are easily made for 1, or are good as leftover.

3) Moving stinks.  Boxes are everywhere, and my body is covered head to toe in bruises that I got from packing.

4) Ok, some of the bruises are from hitting one of the desk supports underneath my desk. Which I might have done 3 times.  Within 2 hours. 

5) My dear old friend insomnia seems to be back.  Last week I thought it was just because I was sick.  But I woke up at 2am today, and could not get back to sleep.  Ugh.

6)  I'm really excited about moving!

7) I'm even more excited by all of the wonderful comments, and excitement I'm getting from my friends.  Especially the ones I'll be living near again.

8) Yes, living a mere 95 miles from my BFF, who I haven't lived that close to in, oh, 12+ years is at the top of my excitement list.

9)  That, and having an actual bedroom.

10) I'm already planning my Cardinal's baseball viewing schedule.  There is 3 and a half years that need to be made up for.

11) Ok, so it's technically only been a year since I've seen the Cards play, but they were in DC.  Not Busch Stadium.  It's just not the same.

12) Nerd alert: I'm reading Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose, which talks about Merriwether Lewis and my Revolutionary War crush Thomas Jefferson...and this morning I read a chapter about how long it took just to communicate with people across the country, and how long it took to travel from place to place.  For example, from DC (Washington City) to St. Louis (the Mississippi River) took months back in the day.  It's now a 2 hour plane ride.  And a letter would take 6 weeks to cross that distance, and now, I can email, phone, instant message, text message, or whatever else instantly.  And though I wouldn't trade any of my modern conveniences (ok, some I would willingly give up) I think it would be cool to live in that era...if only temporarily.

13) I want a new, more comfortable couch.  But will be stuck with my current one for a while.  It's a good thing I have learned some patience over the years. :)

Monday, February 27, 2012


First of all, for those of you that are just now hearing for the first time, I apologize for the delay, but getting things straightened out at work precluded me from doing a large Facebook announcement.  And the past couple of weeks have been a little busy. goes!

As of March 27, I will once again be an IL resident. 

This isn't a decision that has come lightly, or without a lot of planning.  Realistically, the decision has been coming for the past year or so.  And I am really excited about the possibilities.  I'll be leaving my current job, and will becoming an independent contractor for the same company.  So all of the traveling I've been doing the past 3 years will still be there, if anything, I'll probably be traveling more.  But I won't have the same job responsibilities on top of what I'm doing while I travel.  So that will definitely be nice.  And in addition to that, I'll get to set my own schedule.  Which...let's face awesome. 

Never fear DC friends, I'll be having a going away party before I leave so I can see all of you one more time.  And I'll definitely be coming back to visit.  And of course, I'll be in Cedar Point in September.  So you won't get THAT much of an opportunity to miss me.

In the entire process of getting things ready to move, there are some pretty funny things I have come across.

1.)  I'll be moving from Connecticut Ave in Washington, DC to a rural route address in Southern IL.  To be honest, I can't think of 2 more different addresses.  And at the same time, I am so excited about it.

2.)  I'll be moving from a 350 square foot apartment to a 3 bedroom house with a full basement.  WAHOO!!  Yes, Cedric gets his own room.

3.) This will be my fifth...yes 5!...move in the past 3 and a half years.  And hopefully my last for a very, very long time.  I have clearly gotten too good at packing, because this past weekend, I packed over 3/4 of my stuff in less than 2 days, and didn't have to think twice about what needed to be done.  

4.) I have to buy a car.  And insurance.  Granted, my dad has been an amazing support through the whole process.  But it seems a little surreal. 

Though this has been coming for a while, the whole thing seems to be happening very fast.  But I absolutely cannot wait.  I'll definitely be keeping you updated on the progress, and in the mean time, I'll try to post some photos of the disaster that my apartment is going to be over the next month.

Wish me luck!

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Grill

There are few things in my life that I choose to spend an extravagant amount of money on.  Of course, my hobby is one of the more expensive ones, and I'm always spending what little extra cash I have on triathlon.  And, well, the remainder of my mad money is typically spent on food. 

At least I have my priorities straight.

And when I think about the stuff that I want for my life, I don't need extravagance.  When I can (hopefully soon) purchase a car, I'm probably going to buy a Ford Focus.  I buy a majority of my clothes at Target.  And in general, I'm not a high maintenance, must spend money for status as opposed to quality type of girl.

In most cases, that is. 

As mentioned in previous posts, I've been mentally re-decorating the house that I currently don't live in.  And I've been thinking about the things that I want to put in this house.  And when I think about the things that I've been living without while apartment dwelling in DC the past 2 and a half years, the thing I miss the most is a grill.  Food cooked with fire.  To me, there is absolutely nothing better in the entire world.  And I've eaten some pretty good food. 

So I have decided, no matter what it takes, I'm buying top of the line, can make food for 50 people, grill.  And it will be amazing. 

Say it's nature or nurture, whatever it is...I come from a grilling family.  In fact, when it comes to buying my dad presents, you buy the man tools or something to do with grilling.  We Hooks' make entire meals on the grill.  Pizza and french fries and baked beans, all cooked on the grill. 

So while the Dad and I were shopping for work gloves (me) and screws, drill bit, etc (dad) on Monday at Lowe's we spent an large amount of time drooling over the grill selections, determining which ones would work best, and fit the needs that we have for grilling.  And of course, all of the fun gadgets and tools that they have to accompany the grills.  In fact, the Dad got a sweet new LED light that attaches to the handle of your grill so you can see the food your cooking as you grill at night.  When I get a grill of my own, that light is going to be a must have. 

I can almost taste it right now.  Fresh, homemade, the cow was alive 3 days ago hamburgers.  Please excuse me while I wipe the drool from my face. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Travel Chronicles: Volume 1

Greetings from The Sunshine State!  As many of you know, I travel frequently.  And it has been mentioned to me before that I should write about some of my adventures.  So in a yet to be determined number of entries, I present a mini-series in the adventures of a young, female, single, business traveler. 

Prompted by something that happened at the end of my flight yesterday, we are going to start this mini-series with men. 

Depending on what airport you travel from, to or through, you're going to come a cross just about any specific type of traveler.  You have your George Clooney-esque (a la Up in the Air) business men (who typically provide some of the most entertainment, if only because they're really all the same man in a different body.  You have your families traveling to whatever destination vacation of their choice.  If you fly through MCO (Orlando) they will inevitably be dressed in some form of Disney character t-shirts, and 9 times out of 10, someone in the group is wearing Mickey ears.  If you're out west, you're going to have the random guy(s) with a mullet (yes, they really do still exist).  And if you're going through NY, Newark, or Boston, you're going to have a cluster f#%$ of really loud, annoying people. 

But as I said before, this go-round, we're focusing on men. 

Maybe I give guys too much credit, but I would think most people, males especially, would be more...well...with it...when they travel.  In the past month, I have had to remind a guy that his suitcase was still sitting at the end of the screening belt after going through security, directed 2 guys to a bathroom that was directly in front of them, and laughed at a guy sitting next to me for reasons we shall soon get to.  But this has made me realize that we womens need to take care of the men.  Even if they're only in our lives as fellow travelers. 

I'm a nice person.  And I've made my career out of talking to people.  So when I travel (unless you catch me on a morning when I haven't drank enough coffee) I try to be a nice, friendly person.  I talk to anyone.  But what has happened several times (too numerous to count, actually) is I'll be talking to a guy who just happens to be standing next to me in line to get on the plane, or sitting next to me on the plane, or wherever we happen to be.  They just happen to be the person next to me at the time.  I can't help it that they're male, and I'm female.  Or that I'm a single female to boot.  So I'm just going to put this out there:

I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE MARRIED.  I'M NOT HITTING ON YOU.  If we are having a conversation, it's more because I'm trying to pass the time, than to make a pass at you. 

Yesterday, when I finally got to my seat on the plane, the guy sitting next to me seemed friendly enough.  We chatted just a little bit before take off.  He threatened to start crying once the plane took off.  I threatened to punch him if he did.  It was banter.  It was not flirting (though I admit that there is occasionally a fine line between the two).  As we landed (no crying or punching during the flight, he worked, I read) we again made some small talk.  I did the standard "are you from here or here for work?"  And he hesitated before answering..."I'm here with a...uh...friend...and their family. female...uh...friend." 

Me:  "Oh nice, vacation."  But what I really wanted to say is "do you really think I care you have a girlfriend?"  Good for you, would you like a cookie? 

I admit, perhaps he just didn't know what to think about the relationship, and doesn't know what term to call her.  But my guess is that if you're on vacation with her AND her family, it's at least got to be fairly serious.  No need to hide it.

Speaking of hiding things.  I'm an observant person.  I like to people watch when I travel.  It's one of the ways to pass the time and offset the impending boredom.  And I notice wedding rings, jewelry of any kind really, what people are wearing, shoes, bags, etc..  Especially of guys having loud conversations around me.  So, when I happen to be the one next to you in line, and strike up a conversation, it's fairly obvious what you're trying to do when you keep that left hand cemented in your pocket.  Even when it becomes awkward, like walking forward, or handing the person scanning tickets your ticket with your right hand, while that left hand still remains in your pocket is awkward.  Again, you are not hiding anything. 

Now, maybe it's the fact that the male species needs a bit of an ego boost.  Or something like that.  To think that even though they're not single, some cute, single girl is talking to them.  And *gasp* possibly interested in them.  Or whatever the reason may be.  It doesn't matter.   The fact remains the same, I'm just a friendly person, looking the pass the time.  Not looking for a romp in the airport hay. 

So there you have it folks.  Boys (men, though if you continue the childish behavior seen above, I will continue to call you boys) take note.  And everyone, stay tuned for the next installment. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Guilty Pleasures

This week, I spent 4 days doing nothing but lay on the couch.  And for a little excitement in my life, I would occasionally lay on my bed.  Watching trashy day time TV.  But hey, when you're sick, what else are you going to do?  One afternoon, I was watching The Chew on ABC, and the entire show was dedicated to guilty pleasures.  At the time, it was rather entertaining to watch the 4 goof ball hosts laugh about their secret guilty pleasures, including a fried egg and bologna sandwich, Judge Judy, and ironing. 

Though it really didn't resonate at the time (my mind being a little befuddled with illness), the concept eventually got me thinking about what my guilty pleasures are. 

My first thought was coffee.  But then I realized, I don't really feel guilty about drinking coffee.  In fact, I would say that it's necessary for me (though I did go without coffee while sick).  The me you all know and love does not exist without coffee.  But I know I'm not alone in this either.

So then I got down to business, and started listing what my real guilty pleasures are.

1) Spoon + Jar of PB + Jar of Strawberry Jelly.  - Allow me to sit down with this combination, and I will be one happy camper.  Because it's also a ridiculous amount of calories, and tends to leave me feeling less than stellar, this doesn't happen that often.  But when it mm mm mm mm.

2) Watching cable TV - when I'm traveling only, because I don't have cable of any sort at home.  I will sit in my hotel room for hours on end (because, let's face it, I often don't get sent to great destinations) and watch marathons of crappy TV.  USA and the Food Network are by far my faves.  Ok, so when I'm home, my antenna does have ION, which also is a good substitute for real cable channels. 

3) Laying in bed.  Ok, I'm not talking about the doing nothing but laying in bed for 4 days straight, incapable of doing nothing else (like this week).  Every morning, when my alarm goes off, I hit snooze a couple of times, and many mornings, I'll just stay in bed.  Now that I'm not currently doing 2 a day works outs, this has been happening a lot lately.  I stay in bed, and enjoy the warmth, and fantasize about a number of different things.  Occasionally, I'll think of all of the wonderful things I could accomplish if I called in sick that day.  Or how I want to redecorate my house (that I don't currently live in).  Or what I want for my future.  Or what groceries I need to buy, or what food I want to make soon.  It's typically a random assortment of topics that pass through my brain, but it's really just my favorite time of day.  Before I get up and shower and head to work, because my fantasy about calling in that day never seems possible unless I'm actually sick.  And I walk around my tiny studio apartment, and stub my toes, elbows, or whatever other body part sticks out, and wishing that I was living in a much larger home. 

There are probably a multitude of other things, mainly foods that I rarely allow myself to eat (including a grilled goat cheese sandwich, bacon, pie, and chocolate cake).  But those listed above are really what does it for me. 

So...what is your guilty pleasure?