Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One month until my Birthday!

As the title suggests, my birthday is in exactly one month. Normally, every year about this time, I realize that my birthday is only a month away. And as I get a little older, I tend to get a little nostalgic, and like to look back at the past year. In most years past, I haven't been to happy with what I've had to look back on. I tend to feel that I've let the past year slide, and not accomplished anything.

This year...that isn't the case. I have had a very successful year. On October 1, 2008, I moved to DC. It was something that I had been planning for a couple of months...and I'm not afraid to admit that I was terrified. I was leaving everything that I had ever known, and moving half way across the country. I did have friends that I knew there...but I had no job...and a lot of uncertainty.

I must say that the couple of months that I had off work was nice. I tried to enjoy it. I went for long walks...and I started getting acquainted with my new city. I did search for a job, and by the time I actually got a job, I was more than happy to have one. I was starting to get bored, and antsy...and a little poor. And when I first started working at TSI, I thought that it was just a temp job...a paycheck until I found something else. But I knew that it was a great company, and they did really good things. Providing early childhood curriculum materials is something that people can respect. So the longer that I have worked there...the more I have come to appreciate and enjoy my job. It's somewhere where I don't mind going to work every day. There are crazy days, and there are days that make me want to pull my hair out. But really...I actually like my job. I think this is the first time that I can say that. I have had more opportunities come my way than I ever imagined to be possible. Even still, when a new opportunity is available to me, I'm shocked that it's happened so quickly. And it keeps happening...and that's a good thing :)

Other than this fabulous job that I have...something else has happened. I started running...and then added swimming and biking on top of it. I never in my wildest imagination thought that I would be able to accomplish some of the physical feats that I have in the past few months. But I wouldn't change them for anything.

I'm not going to say that everything has been fantastic this year. I've had a couple of relationships fall of their face. But I've learned something from them, and for that...I can't say that it's all bad. I try to never regret anything...and I really don't. As I said...I've learned something from at least they weren't worthless.

So all in all...27 has been a very good age for me. I never enjoy getting a year older, and my actual birthday can never pass without some difficulty. My grandmother died on my 20th birthday, so there is always some sadness that accompanies my birthday...but this year...I am proud to look back at everything that I have accomplished...and I can pat myself on the back...and feel good about the person that I am. I can only hope that 28 will be just as good. Oh yeah...and I'm not going to feel bad about eating that piece of Lemon Cake either. Because it's just that damn good...

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