Monday, September 20, 2010

Wish List

Well, it's now less than 2 weeks away from my birthday, and always, around this time of year, I like to reflect back on the past year, and see how the year has been. An accounting of sorts.

So...let's take a look at the last far:

*Finished the 2009 race season with the Army Ten Miler, meeting my time goal. +
*Spent Thanksgiving by myself -
*Realized that spending a holiday by yourself isn't really a bad thing +
*Spent Christmas at home with ridiculously cold weather +
*Ran my first ever marathon +
*Directly after marathon, I got the plague, and it took months to recover ---
*Finished my second full tri +
*Swam a relay for a half iron +
*Got sick, which was kind of a little painful -
*Went through a procedure that ended up being unnecessary -
*Was still sick, and went through more tests, still unable to figure out what was wrong -
*Finally figured out what was wrong...but needed surgery to fix the problem -
*Had to spend my first night in the hospital since birth -
*Recovered from surgery well, and was able to start working out again +
*Arrrgust arrived at work, and I spent 6 straight weeks traveling and training ---


Well...the minuses have won it this year...but not by a ton. And I always look for the positives that can come out of a situation. Some good things have happened this year...but it definitely feels like the negatives have won this a landslide. It just feels like a rough year.

Yet, at the same time...I'm not looking forward to turning 29. I'm excited about the start of a new year...and what that new year might bring. But there's something about turning 29 that I just don't want to do. Maybe it's just getting another year older. Maybe it's the fact that this will be my last year in the 20's.

I should be excited...I'm just finding it very hard to do so.

I was thinking this afternoon on my walk home what I could possibly tell anyone that asked what I wanted for my birthday. I couldn't think of one thing that anyone could give me. I don't need material possessions. I can buy myself new running shoes, or anything else I might need. I'd like a new bike...but that's a bit more than I can ask for for my birthday.

There are things that I want. But it's not material possessions.

I think at the end of the day...I'd just like a better year next year. And if anyone can promise me that, I'll love you forever. But's just not something anyone can promise.

But oh, how I wish it were.

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